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What is EMDR?


EMDR stands for Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing

and means desensitization and processing by eye movement.  


EMDR is a complex psychotherapy method that was developed in the late 1980s

from Dr. Francine Shapiro (USA) for the treatment of trauma disorders.


The possible applications of EMDR go far beyond that. 

How does EMDR work?


The central element of EMDR therapy are guided eye movements,

also called bilateral stimulation.  


Both hemispheres of the brain are stimulated. This stimulation supports the brain to activate self-healing powers and to process stressful memories. This technique is increasingly being used to involve the entire body.


EMDR is based on a person's natural ability to process information from stressful experiences. Negative or traumatic experiences can leave psychological scars.

If these wounds are minor, the brain can handle them without help. Are they severe

they can exceed its self-healing powers.

The experience is then stored in the brain in an unprocessed form and through similar situations

caused again and again in an uncontrolled manner.  


This can become visible in everyday life when certain stimuli (triggers) such as images, sounds, smells or physical experiences activate traumatic experiences.


All imaginable disorders, fears and blockages can be triggered, so that the rest of life

in the shadow of traumatisation. This is where EMDR can help to cope.


EMDR has been used in Germany since 1991. 

In 2006, the Scientific Advisory Board for Psychotherapy recognized EMDR as a scientifically based psychotherapy method. The effectiveness of EMDR is extensive

scientific studies prove. Research results show: 

After treating mild post-traumatic stress disorder with EMDR

80 percent of patients feel significantly relieved -

and that after just a few sessions.

" Body and soul are one and everyone does not get sick or heal without this."


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