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Self-help through autohypnosis


In order to achieve a sustainable therapeutic success, you have additional

to the therapy sessions the possibility to learn self-hypnosis.  

This gives you the opportunity to use certain techniques independently

and apply independently of time and place to yourself for example

to self-soothe in acute emotional situations

and to administer “first aid” to yourself.


You will also gain the ability to work on numerous very personal and individual topics yourself and to develop further.

What is self or auto hypnosis?  


95% of our daily thoughts, actions and feelings

are managed and controlled by our subconscious. And that's where hypnosis comes in. Using various techniques, a trance state is achieved, which enables access to the subconscious to be found. Hypnosis is well known

a very effective tool to resolve numerous problems.

Since no one knows a person better than that person knows themselves, a proven method such as hypnosis can become even more effective when used personally.  


Self-hypnosis is a variant of hypnosis in which

the user hypnotizes himself. Unlike hypnosis

Can you do self hypnosis on your own?


How is self-hypnosis different from someone else's hypnosis?


In contrast to self-hypnosis, external hypnosis is carried out under the guidance of a hypnotist.

Another difference is that during the external hypnosis there is often a trance state in which the consciousness is hardly active and one falls into a deep hypnosis.

In this state, the hypnosis can be deepened by further suggestions.

With self-hypnosis this is only possible to a limited extent.

When one enters a deep trance state, one often loses control of the autosuggestion and falls asleep.

Von oben Fotografiertes Bild von einem Mann der entspannt daliegt.

How does self-hypnosis work and what is it used for?


With a few exceptions, the effect of self-hypnosis is the same

with the effects of a foreign hypnosis.


Before starting the application, a goal is set,

which you want to support or achieve with hypnosis.

With self-hypnosis you are able to work on your own personal issues

and dissolve. You will be able to:


  • to strengthen self-confidence 

  • solve sleep problems

  • Alleviate or resolve fears 

  • to manage weight problems

  • to transform phobias

  • to reduce stress

  • to quit smoking 

  • strengthen resilience

  • to strengthen motivation

  • to make decisions


Is Self-Hypnosis Dangerous?


Sometimes fear prevails, hypnosis and in particular self-hypnosis  could be dangerous. This fear results from a possible loss of control.

There are concerns that during hypnosis one enters such a deep trance state and consciousness withdraws so far that one no longer consciously perceives one's surroundings and becomes unable to act. However, this fear is unfounded.

The subconscious and the body always make sure that breathing, pulse and digestion continue to run smoothly.


In a self-generated trance there are no autosuggestions entered from outside. Thus, a deeper trance is not possible.

Since the brain under hypnosis is in a state similar to the state just before falling asleep, you may be more likely to fall asleep. 

"Tell me and I will forget.  

Show me and I might keep it.

Let me do it and I will be able to do it.”


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