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Refreshing, improves concentration, strengthens memory

Peppermint oil

Mentha piperita

Peppermint oil is probably the best known and most widely used essential oil in the world.

As a tea, peppermint has gained the status of a national drink in many Arab and North African countries.

as a national drink in many Arab and North African countries.

As a medicinal plant, peppermint has been known since ancient times. Already Pliny the Elder recommended to put fresh peppermint leaves on the temples in case of headache.


Peppermint oil has a fresh, pure scent that can restore a clear head and increase concentration in cases of mental exhaustion and overwork.

Peppermint essential oil has a local analgesic and cooling effect, thus refreshing and invigorating.

In addition, it can have an antispasmodic effect on the intestinal muscles and thus promote digestion and motility.

Peppermint oil is weakly antimicrobial and also has an emetic, liver stimulant (promotes vitality) effect. It can relieve spasms in the bronchial tubes, relieve itching,

lower cholesterol and

is anti-inflammatory (reduces swelling and pain).

It stimulates salivation and gastric juice secretion, loosens phlegm, and is antipyretic.

According to studies, peppermint oil is equal to other analgesics, for example, it can be used to significantly reduce headaches after only 15 minutes.

Peppermint oil is also used as a rub for muscle and nerve pain, as well as added to inhalations and used for gargling.

For tension, a cold compress on the neck with peppermint oil is a boon.

Psychological effect

Refreshing, promotes concentration, strengthens memory. In mental exhaustion it is used as a stimulus, as well as in states of shock, flight of thought, etc.

Please note:

Do not use on babies and young children.

Do not take during the first three months of pregnancy.

May be irritating to the skin.

Do not use during homeopathic treatment.

May cause dizziness and lightheadedness.

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